Our story

Saved was born in the spring of 2021, by two friends and colleagues in financial advice that shared a vision: to empower and educate the public about Regular Savings Plans. Following the initial excitement of a regulation change in late 2020 (BOD49) in the UAE, which would outlaw the sale of high commission regular savings plans, we quickly became demoralised. The plans were still being sold under different licenses, existing plans were still in effect and the majority of the general public still had no idea exactly how the savings plans they had worked, what the commissions, charges and penalties were, or ultimately if the plan they held was right for them.

Many of the potential clients we would meet with were unaware and sometimes outright shocked by the commissions and charges they had paid and were still paying for in their Regular Savings Plans.

Whilst we were helping a few people at a time, we knew more measures needed to be taken to spread the word. So many people no longer wanted to see a financial advisor due to mistrust, the news regarding high commissions had missed them or, the buoyant market had cloaked the hidden charges lurking beneath the surface.

We knew we had to build a tool so that anyone, in their own time, separate from an advisor, could calculate what they were paying in charges and whether they could benefit from a lower cost alternative.

Our mission is simple: to provide an educational tool so that you can discover the fees and charges of your Regular Savings Plan, show how much you could be overpaying for fees, and demonstrate what you might save from switching to an alternative.

Josh has been in the Financial Services industry for 8 years, starting with NatWest Bank in the UK, ADCB in the UAE. He is a Chartered Member of the CISI, one of the youngest advisors in the country to achieve such status. He has a keen interest in UK property, football analytics, and playing Minecraft (badly) with his daughter Imogen, 8.

Dan also has 8 years of experience in Financial Services, with the first 5 years spent in the UK before moving to the UAE in 2018. Qualified to UK Level 4 standard, he is passionate about holistic goal-focused financial planning, with a focus on retirement, tax minimisation and succession planning. Daniel prides himself on his integrity and transparency. Good dresser, average footballer.