How Saved works


You tell us about your Regular Savings Plan

Enter a couple of details about your Regular Savings Plan and based on these we will calculate how much you could save by switching.


We calculate how much you could save

You will receive your personalised report that explains how your plan works, your current plan charging structure, your contract, and estimated comparison between staying or switching.


We help you switch

Once reviewed, we initiate a switch to a low cost, flexible account with no withdrawal fees or penalties.

The Saved Timeline


Use the calculator

Receive your report

3 Days

Have your meeting and review your report

Decide if a switch is right for you

Formally assign us to advise on your Regular Savings Plan

2 Weeks

We contact your plan provider and submit your cancellation

Set up your new flexible investment account

4 Weeks

Initiate a funds transfer from your old plan to your new account

You relax and keep on saving

What You'll see on your report


Side by Side Comparison

You will see what happens to your savings when you switch.

Even after the initial drop in value (due to the withdrawal penalty) you are soon able to overtake the previous value of your Regular Savings Plan.

This is because the alternative account has much lower fees.


Current Fees & Charges

You will see a typical breakdown of the fees and charges you are likely to be paying, although the wording maybe different, these charging structures are similar across all providers such as Zurich and FPI.

From our experience the typical customer in a Regular Savings Plan will be paying more than $4000 in annual charges.


Total Saving

You will see your total projected savings (including all fees and penalties) based on how many years you have left on your plan.

The less you are paying in charges, means more of your money can be put to work and invested instead.